Tran Thi Lan Huong
Water Environmental Assessments for Bactericidal Effect of Copper Ions and Reduction Effect of Nutrients Inflow Loadings on Controlling Algal Blooms in a Hypertrophic Reservoir
Honglikith Daoluang
Water Environmental Remediation in Organically Polluted Reservoir via Anoxification Recovery Using Underwater LED Irradiation
Sai Hong Anh
Optimal Integrated Measures to Protect Hanoi Capital from the Red River Floodwater in Emergency Situations
Vu Thi Hoai Thu Environmental Assessment and Flood Control in the Can Gio Bay Area located in the Lower Saigon River using Numerical Simulation Models in Context of Climate Change
Tran Tuan Thach
Quantitative Estimation and Mathematical Modelling of Water Quality Dynamics under Long-term Anoxic Conditions in an Organically Polluted Reservoir
Trieu Anh Ngoc
Development of Numerical Models for Water Resources Management of Dong Nai-Saigon River Basin in Context of Climate Change and Rural Development
Le Van Chinh
Mathematical Modeling of Surface Water Quantity and Quality for Optimal Management of Water Resources in a Flat Low-lying Agricultural Area